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  • Writer's pictureAlexis Lawton

the sacred rebel

This is the energy I'm really feeling inspired by right now- the energy of the sacred rebel. The sacred rebel blazes their own trail by taking risks and by freely expressing themselves in whatever ways feel most true. The sacred rebel wants to be fully alive and is willing to trust their uniqueness and honor their creative power. The sacred rebel doesn't mind shaking things up even when its unpopular. The sacred rebel clears their own path because they know its the right thing to do (not because others are doing it). They don't care much for certain rules because some rules were meant to be broken. The sacred rebel believes that their dreams are possible just because they have the dreams. How does that make you feel? Inspired too?

I have been feeling so creative and energized- like the seeds beneath the earth are all organizing to get ready for some really spectacular blooms- and have some new sacred experiences for you to join (some below and others coming soon).

I love bringing people together to enjoy a shared experience. Its really one of my greatest joys.

from my wild (and often rebellious) heart,


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