And self-love. I believe, the single most important thing we all need more of right now. The quiet revolution that will change the world. Here are some ways I believe we can show ourselves more of it.
Show up for yourself first. Fill your own cup until its overflowing and then give from that place.
Allow yourself to be just as you truly are. No judgement, just love.
Remember the truth of who you are- not who you think you should be
Stop letting yourself down- just do the thing. If not now, when?
Get to know what love really feels like. Only fear binds. Love is ever expanding and feels like a release.
As a magdalene rose priestess, I embody holy medicine. I've been told this, but I also know this to be true deep within me. If you are ready to really step in with me and into your own life with your whole heart, I welcome you with all of mine. Its your time. Its our time.