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the seasons within

Writer's picture: Alexis LawtonAlexis Lawton

magical people,

As the temperatures drop and the leaves begin to fall here in the northeast, it is very clear what season (on the outside) we are in- fall is the season of letting go and surrender in nature. But what about the season within? Your unique cycle and season isn't necessarily going to be the same or follow what is going on outside in nature. Sure, it is connected (its all connected), but its not always the same. You could be feeling "springy" inside when its autumn outside for example, or "wintery" inside in the heat of summer. I think the important thing to note or enjoy, or just simply notice, is the balance of the energy of what is going on outside with the energy within. We are complex, sacred beings. That is part of our beauty.

I think what is important is to not feel boxed in or judge ourselves for feeling one way or another (even day to day), but just to feel exactly how we are and to know that whatever season or cycle we find ourselves in, that we are perfect just the way we truly are. Just notice. Just be.

At a glance, here are the seasons, moon cycles and some associated energies:

Fall- waning moon- change, cleansing and creativity, watery energy

Winter- new or dark moon- quiet reflection and rest, inward-focus, earthy energy

Spring- waxing moon- new beginnings, hope, renewal, building/awakening, airy energy

Summer- full moon- abundance, expression, vibrancy, often outward focused, fire energy

what season or phase are you in? within?



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